Thursday 14 July 2011

It's Finally Here!!!

Ever so excited this morning... Buying books over here can be really expensive so I opted to have send me this one in the post. Anyhoo, guess what arrived this morning!!!
Now, the reason why i'm so excited about this is because not only was it written by someone who I was on the Apprenticeship with (Sarah Homfray,), but also because some of my work is featured in it!
Right there, on pages 88 and 89 are pictures of  'Sam' (our family's beloved one eyed cat) and 'Biggles', the very friendly dog of the Watson family, who commission the piece back in 2008. Both of these can be seen in better detail in my gallery pages, but I'm so very chuffed to have them in this book, which on very close inspection, is one of the best books i have read on silk shading. Regardless of the fact that I have stuff in it, i would totally recommend this to anyone giving the technique a go.

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